the xxx prize
the Ansari X-prize was offered to the first private venture spacecraft to make it into space and back. The idea was to stimulate the technology and business environment and drive down the cost of space travel, perhaps making it affordable to paying passengers. Whether it has or will succeed is debatable, but there is no doubt that it was competitively contested and may well therefore have helped to seed the process.
But really this is aiming way too low.
I hereby offer the XXX Prize. The XXX Prize will be awarded to the first team or individual who successfully invents a working universal translator. a universal translator would be of enormous benefit to everyday people. ¿Why do we have a gazillion different languages? it just makes communication more ¡difficult! By abstracting away all languages into a single conduit, all people on earth would be able to communicate without sacrificing the language/culture bonds.
More importantly, I would be able to communicate around here (Chile), which is currently problematic :(((
So yes, the prize (in case you hadn't guessed) is - chicas :)
But really this is aiming way too low.
I hereby offer the XXX Prize. The XXX Prize will be awarded to the first team or individual who successfully invents a working universal translator. a universal translator would be of enormous benefit to everyday people. ¿Why do we have a gazillion different languages? it just makes communication more ¡difficult! By abstracting away all languages into a single conduit, all people on earth would be able to communicate without sacrificing the language/culture bonds.
More importantly, I would be able to communicate around here (Chile), which is currently problematic :(((
So yes, the prize (in case you hadn't guessed) is - chicas :)
Wasn't Esperanto invented to try and overcome this particular problem?
In any case, looks like someone has a headstart:
linz, at 8:13 pm
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viperx143, at 8:30 pm
yeah, although page last modified in August 2002 :(
this is a good start though, but it is missing key features such as:
1. person able to speak in their native tongue (Source Language). UT will 'suck up' their words and replace them with correct Destination Language (DL) sounds, in an authentic voice. Lipsync issues will have to be overlooked, just imagine you're watching dubbed german porn.
2. no need for headphones/microphone, implants acceptable though, provided it can be passed off as a crease in your suit.
viperx143, at 8:33 pm
yeah ok. Or how about we make it a little more realistic. I remember reading about this:
which can be ported to a small bluetooth, wifi or GPRS enabled device worn around the neck. The 'dictionaries' can be remotely accessed and some clever VR software implemented to recognise and select the correct input language (similar to Shazam type technology).
And for a small fee you can upgrade to a sexier voice ;)
linz, at 9:27 pm
hmmm.. I am suspicious you mean for me and not for the device... :(
cute robot - though not really my type %)
viperx143, at 11:14 pm
not your type? how about this one:
or maybe:
personally I like this one:
linz, at 1:15 am
man, i was getting all interested when the URL for the first one seemed to suggest it was called the 'buns bot'. but it reminded me of C3PO in the end :(
yours looks like a cross between hannibal lecter and a beach ball (which i think sums you up perfectly: dangerous, fun)
back on the original topic, it looks like there's a technical issue (of the read-ahead variety), so it may be worth getting mystic meg on the development team....?
viperx143, at 5:58 pm
Well i'm not entirely flattered to be likened to a beachball but ok.
On the technical matter, I hardly think with todays processing powers that it's going to be any great issue. And the evidence? See here
re using mystic meg, it could only lead to disaster. imagine every sentence coming out cryptic and noncommittal. no point asking directions :)
linz, at 7:49 pm
cryptic and noncommittal is what we blokes put up with from you girls all the time :p
viperx143, at 9:59 pm
Negative. Men are just ill-equipped to translate our frankness :)
linz, at 10:41 pm
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