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Friday, February 18, 2005

guerillas in the mist

it turns out i have been operating under a delusion. I had previously believed that the Brasilian population were the world's number one consumers of plastic surgery. Not so, I have just read that it is the Argentines. On this basis I have decided to redouble my ogling in order to study this phenomenon :)

anyway the buses here in buenos aires have to be seen to be believed. it can be a nice sunny day as you walk down the high street. then a bus comes past, belching an unbelievable amount of black crap out of its exhaust. then you find you are wandering through a smokey haze, unable to see where you are going.

there aren't really any guerillas here, they're in columbia. I couldn't resist the title %)


  • Hi :-)
    I have been looking for a place here like "mail me" but I have not found it..thx 4 visiting my blog, that's a pity that you do not understand polish...but if you miss the "z" or "sz" or "cz", you are more than welcomed! ;)
    acctually, I have stopped writing my blog, for a while, but I will be back I guess, as am I addicted ;)))))) and it is not what you think!!!! :D
    take care!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:10 pm  

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