not often in

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

the melty man cometh

I've been watching a few of the latest Coupling episodes recently. No Jeff. Bad.

Anyway, a reprise of some of the finer moments:

Jeff on Breasts: "I need breasts with brains. I don’t mean individual brains, obviously... I mean, not a brain each. You know, I like intelligent women, but you’ve got to draw the line somewhere... I think breast brains would be over-egging the woman pudding."

Jeff on The Melty Man: "All of us in our time are visited by the Melty Man... Don’t say his name, Patrick. Don’t even think his name, or he will rise from the shadow dimensions to do his evil work inside your terrified pants."

Steve on Men: "We are men. We are different. We have only one word for soap. We do not own candles. We have never seen anything of any value in a craft shop. We do not own magazines full of photographs of celebrities with their clothes on."


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