not often in

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Last week, someone asked me what I missed about living in London. I guess for the sake of brevity, but really for no reason I can put my finger on, I replied ‘Coffee Shops’. The apparent vacuousity (is that a word?) of my answer raised an eyebrow. But I didn’t explain. It would have taken too long, and anyway it’s hard to talk in mindmaps. Ascii is not much better but here’s my attempt:

Summer <-> Hot Dresses <-> Love/Lust --- Hate/Disgust <-> Jessica Alba’s Boyfriend
Music People Watching Hangover <---------------------
| | | |
Relaxing <-> Comfy Chairs <-> Coffee Shops <-> Lazy Sundays <-> Friends |
| | | |
Thinking Coffee Markets |
| | | |
Dreaming Double Tall Latte Shopping <-> Shopped out <-> Beer*
| |
Sleeping Caffeine Overdose
| |
----------------------------> Wake Up


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