not often in

Sunday, September 19, 2004

venus and serener

saturday night at venus nightclub. dj played tracy chapman's 'fast car' twice inside an hour. i've never understood how that record became a dancefloor anthem.
sleepy sunday meandering and drinking coffee. sunshine and a nice breeze. this place would be great to sit in a cafe with a laptop and write a book; nicely relaxed. we've reached the point where there's no more touristing to do; it's just nice to soak up the place.
tomorrow monday - coach to riga; no accomodation yet. oops.


  • Looks like you haven't been killed by mafia yet, I'm pleased. Studying way too much on this bloody program, come and visit when you're back, we have a big xmas party coming up.....full of my young fellow students!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:12 pm  

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