not often in

Saturday, January 29, 2005

v v v hot

i have decided that i am a freak.

ok, so that's possibly not the best start to a posting here ever, and perhaps even borders on bridgetjones-esque. but it may be true.

a fairly subjective and not entirely thorough analysis leads me to believe that i am the only person in brasil who, in overbearing humidity/heat, primarily sweats though the head. everyone else seems to have a massive wet patch on the back of their t-shirt. I, on the other hand, do not sweat through my back - perhaps because my body has not enough water left to do this after all the liquid it has pumped through my face :)

personally, of the two options, i think i've got the crapper deal. i need windscreen wipers on my forehead at the moment :[

i am praying for acclimatisation. or maybe an ice helmet.


  • oh my.....;))))))))))))))))))))))
    yes, yes, yes: u r a freak: not only becouse of the way of sweatting..;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 pm  

  • ....HI HI ...Ed with an ice helmet-that would be hilarious!!As u see im using net sometimes-i need to stay in touch with the rest of my crazy people travelling around the world right now!:)))agi

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:58 am  

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