not often in

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

about turn

sometimes i am too calm for my own good. perversely, as people know, sometimes i am too stressed for my own good. a happy medium would be nice.

29 years of crossing the road where people drive on the left is not good preparation for the zebra crossings of poland. I nearly got run over yesterday; I looked right instead of left and didn't hear the car coming the other way. But for the screech of the brakes I might not have looked at all.

When I did, I remember thinking calm as you like: 'oh, a car'. I took a step back. I was no more than a metre from the pavement anyway. The car slewed slightly, then realised he or she had a big space to drive into, stopped braking, and went past. Then I crossed the road, avoiding eye contact with the middle-aged lady who was on the island and starting across towards me.

I can think of a couple of other occasions I have escaped. The tumble dryer. Tottenham Court Road. But i think I still have 6 lives left. After all, your life is supposed to flash before you eyes, isn't it? It hasn't yet.

Must look left. Must look left. Must look left.


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