cabbage cabbage
what happens when a cabbage grows a mouth and become sentient? It gets hungry. What do hungry cabbages eat? who knows.
In Being John Malkovich they did not shy away from the question of what would happen if Mr Malkovich himself went down the tunnel. A world of Malkovich. Or to say that in the native dialect of that world, 'Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich'....
So... the cabbage. You see, this happened here. It has to have. The cabbage grew a mouth, became sentient and ate.... another cabbage. The result of this extraordinary event was a world full of cabbage. It exists. It is here, central europe. From the northern shores of Gdansk through the capitals of Warszawa, Praha and Bratislava and maybe beyond.
Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage
Would you like cabbage with that sir? actually no, i'm getting a bit fed up with it :)
In Being John Malkovich they did not shy away from the question of what would happen if Mr Malkovich himself went down the tunnel. A world of Malkovich. Or to say that in the native dialect of that world, 'Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich'....
So... the cabbage. You see, this happened here. It has to have. The cabbage grew a mouth, became sentient and ate.... another cabbage. The result of this extraordinary event was a world full of cabbage. It exists. It is here, central europe. From the northern shores of Gdansk through the capitals of Warszawa, Praha and Bratislava and maybe beyond.
Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage
Would you like cabbage with that sir? actually no, i'm getting a bit fed up with it :)
the cabbage would probably eat a zucchini topped with carrots and olive oil
a self-respecting cabbage of course would never confess that;
it’d say that it eats grape-c2h5oh or at least wine-sausages…
sorry, you just inspired me
Sherilla Lay, at 7:51 pm
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