not often in

Thursday, March 03, 2005

the pendulum swings

it's strange, the things I am ready for now. I am in a kind of wind-down, aware that it is my last few days here. Honestly I am ready to go home. I seem to fill the days doing nothing right now. A bit of shopping here, a haircut there and an internet cafe here there and everywhere :)

And there are some strange things I find myself looking fondly on, looking forward to even. Including:

  • The Cold (more specifically Lack of Humid Heat)

  • Snow (but not Rain - far too much of that here in Rio)

  • a shower with Hot Water

  • a bedroom with air that doesnt smell like Old Socks

  • possibility of Wearing a Watch without needing to move to DefCon 1

  • No girls who really shouldn't do wearing mini bikinis

  • No guys wearing Micro Swimming Shorts

might think of some more later :)


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